Building Castles over your Moral Structures

2 min readMay 27, 2022

Would you make your house out of straw, wood, or marble? No number of wolves can blow down a marble castle.

They’d need to learn to stop blowing. Then sharpen their claws on it if they were hungry enough.

Disclaimer: It’s not a thought exercise for everyone, some interpretations of my expressions might not need marble. Some only like marble on the kitchen countertops. But hey, it’s a free country. I’m not your mom.

How do you build marble houses in a society? Through shaping them over time. Fairy tales, robin hood stories, quality cartoons that sharpen the inner child inside us to “chase after” our heroic dreams, fantasies, images of better futures, happier environments, circumstances surrounded by love and compassion. Maybe it’s Barbie living a dream life, fueling a Ken strapped by waistband (collar seems a bit… aggressive) like a set of jet skis.

What if your relationship was Poseidon, guiding you through waters as a three-pronged Trident wielding Titan… being part of a seahorse team doesn’t sound so bad to me

“What if your relationship was Poseidon, guiding you through waters as a three-pronged Trident wielding Titan… being part of a seahorse team doesn’t sound so bad to me”

I’m just thinking about ways we could all shape our minds to just “fit”. Universally, or at least how we’d come to consensus. What kind of consensus would make it a "no brainer" to shed your skin, dissolve your ego and dissolve into a social conscience that makes sense for everyone? Could you imagine a world where "bad" just doesn't make sense, for anyone, any time, any place? I can, and it's pretty simple tbh. Seems ambitious, I know.

“Reaching for the stars” … it’s been my vintage classic winter beater I owned throughout the course of the crashing tides of life. Tethered to my dreams, it was my north star. It’s been the strategy I settled on after the others keep leaving one stranded a little too often… Starlight guides me. Nobody can shake me, I'll pull you up with me before you could break my vision.




A gent with a strong drive to find life's meaning and spread good words, thoughts and efforts. Heart on my sleeve, AMA.